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[7] Runes - Added 3 from the Resolve Path
[6] Others - Added Emotes
[5] Others - Raising club cap
[4] Loot - no more reroll
[3] Runes - Added all known runes
[2] Language - Polish translation
[1] Loot - the BE scaling was added
[0] IP change,Loot,Runes,Leveling,Refund,Other
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EP Veränderung

Deine kompletten Einflusspunkte werden in blaue Essenzen umgewandelt

Im Shop werden die Preise gleich bleiben, jedoch bezahlt man dann mit blauen Essenzen

Beute Änderungen

Da die aktuellen blauen Essenzen viel mehr Wert sind als die neuen, werden deine blauen Essenzen (im Beutetab) um das 6.5-fache multiplitziert. Die kosten für das Verbessern werden um den gleichen Wert multiplitziert

Vom entzaubern bekommst du jetzt vergleichweise weniger Essenzen. 20% (Season 7: 30) der Essenzen die du bräuchstest, um den Champion zu kaufen

"We need to remove the ability to reroll them into permanent champs"
(you should go ahead and reroll or disenchant any shards you don't want to upgrade before preseason hits so you can get the most essence possible out of them.)

Du wirst champions trotzdem genau so schnell freischalten wie vorher
und bei niedrigem Level geht es sogar noch schneller

Es ist nun möglich, zwei Mal Beute von einer Truhe zu bekommen

Mit der "Bad-Luck-protection" wirst du nun davor bewahrt, nur selten Skinsplitter, oder Gemstones zu bekommen


Level 30 ist nun nichtmehr die Obergrenze

Es gibt kein EP nach einem Match, dafür aber eine geöffnete Truhe nach jedem Stufenaufstieg

Die Belohnungen sind Levelabhängig. Die Kisten werden folgendes enthalten

Level Belohnung
1-30 Mehr Champions und blaue Essenzen
"Hohe Level" (30+?) Exklusiviere Belohnungen wie z.B. Emotes

Neue Runen

Runen und Meisterschaften werden zu einem neuen System kombiniert

Choose one primary path. Domination, Inspiration, Precision, Sorcery or Resolve. Each path will also grant a small stat benefit (e.g. attackspeed)

After choosing your path, you have 1 Keystone, 1 Major and 2 Minor Slots (Path-unique). The Keystone Rune Slot is the most powerful

Choose your secondary Path which has two slots for path-unique runes but no Keystone Rune slot

some examples

Path Name Effect
Resolve Stone Skin Gain 5 Armor, +2 per nearby enemy champion. Range: 800 units
Resolve Fortified Mind Gain 5 Magic Resist, +2 per nearby enemy champion. Range: 800 units
Resolve Discipline After 10 minutes gain 10 Armor and 10 Magic Resist, +2 of each per nearby enemy champion. Range: 800 units
Resolve Ruined King's Tribute (Keystone) Every 4 seconds in combat your next attack deals damage to nearby champions and large monsters equal to 3% of your max health and heals you for [20 -75]% of this amount based on level. Ranged Champions: Damage and healing are halved.
Inspiration The Third Path +100 Health (permanently). -10% Damage to Champions until 10 minutes
Inspiration Intelligence +5% Cooldown Reduction. +5% Max Cooldown Reduction. +5% Summoner Spell Cooldown Reduction. +5% Item Cooldown Reduction. +5% Runes Cooldown Reduction.
Inspiration Store Credit You can enter debt to buy items. The amount you can borrow increases over time. Debt limit: 150 + 5/minute. Lending Fee: 50 gold per item.
Berserk (Keystone) 3 seconds after damaging a champion you go Berserk, gaining 60% Attack Speed for 3 seconds. You can extend the effect to 10 seconds by attacking an enemy champion. Berserk lets you transcend the attack speed cap.
Perxie (Keystone) Your attacks and abilities send Perxie to a target. Perxie shields allies by 40 - 120 based on level (+0.3AP or +0.3 bonus AD) or damages enemies for 10 + 40 based on level (+0.1AP or +0.15 bonus AD). Perxie cannot be sent out again until she returns to you.
Overheal (Major) Excess healing becomes a decaying shield, for up to 10% of your total health.
Zombie Ward (Major) After killing an enemy ward, a friendly Zombie Ward is raised in its place. Zombie Wards are visible, last for 180 seconds and don't count towards your ward limit.
Overcharger (Minor) +1% CDR per level, up to +10% CDR at level 10. Each percent of excess CDR is converted to +2 Ability Power or +1.4 Attack Damage, Adaptive.
Domination Relentless Hunter 10 out of combat Movement Speed per Bounty Hunter stack. Earn a Bounty Hunter stack the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion.
Domination Ingenious Hunter 5% Active Item CDR per Bounty Hunter stack. Earn a Bounty Hunter stack the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion.
Domination Ravenous Hunter 2% Spellvamp per Bounty Hunter stack. Earn a Bounty Hunter stack the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion.
Resolve Essence Thief (Minor) Gain 1 permanent max health when enemy minions die near you. Range: 1400 units
Resolve Don't Panic Heals and shields are 5% stronger, increased to 10% on targets below 40% health.
Resolve Panic! Gain 10% Movement Speed towards nearby allies that are CC'ed or enemies that you CC. Range: 1500
Resolve Perseverance After casting a Summoner Spell, gain 25% Tenacity and 25% Slow Resistance for 10 seconds. Increase your bonus Armor and Magic resist by 10% for each Summoner Spell on cooldown.
Resolve Demolish Charge up a powerful attack against a tower over 4 seconds, while within 600 range of it. The charged attack deals 375 (+20% of your max health) bonus physical damage.
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Resolve Font of Life Impairing the movement of an enemy champion marks them for 4 seconds. Ally champions who attack marked enemies heal for 5 + 1.0% of your max health.
(Healing values are reduced to a third for your own attacks.)


Käufe nach dem start der Preissenkung werden nicht zurückerstattet (1.9.2017)

Für Runenseiten (Du wirst sie trotzdem behalten)

Für Runen die du vor Season 7 gekauft hast (7.12.2016)

Die Kosten der Runen die du in Season 7 gekauft hast (7.12.2016-1.9.2017) werden dir zu 100% rückerstattet


Preissenkung für Runen (JETZT)

Du kannst alle Stufe 3 Runen für nur 10 EP Kaufen. Jedoch wird dieser Preis nicht zurückerstattet

Der Blaue-Essenzen-Shop

Nach der Umwandlung vom EP in die essenzen, wird der blaue-essenzen-shop für kurze Zeit öffnen.
Du kannst dort Augenskins, Beschwörersymbole, Chroma und andere sehr Teure Items wie z.B. den URFwick kaufen


So funktionieren Emotes momentan:

Das neue System ändert dies.

Skins Tab

Auflistung all deiner Skins. Ähnlich wie bei den Champions

Club Obergrenze

Die Obergrenze für Mitglieder wird von 50 auf 100 erhöht

Eins der größten Updates jemals

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